Vision Boards

How My First Vision Board Party Turned My Life Around

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Vision boards have gotten some great press lately. From giving you an opportunity to decide on what you want out of life and being a stellar way to visualize your future, vision boards have become a staple in goal-setting communities.

Of course, we must turn everything into a mimosa-and-wine-driven experience, including the way we set goals. Thus, the need for a vision board party. 

I never believed I could build a vision board and my dreams would come true. I was pretty much born a cynic. I struggle to believe anything I can't physically see with my own eyes. (No one could verify this whole vision thing that's supposed to change your subconscious with cold, hard facts.) 

I believed I'd create my own luck through hard work and perseverance. I didn't need some silly imaginary vision to be successful.

Then there was the quarter life crisis. (I didn't believe in that either, by the way, until it happened to me.) 


I was struggling with my entire life...

After spending four years planning on going to medical school, one summer away from home at a medical program and one month in India shadowing doctors, I was rejected from every medical school I applied to.

Though I'd graduated from college with a 3.85 GPA, ran several clubs on campus and was highly active in the community during undergrad, no one would hire me. 

Finally, I suffered the worst break up of my life (so far) which meant that I had to move out of my home and find a place to live... while losing my primary source of income... while losing the only future I planned on.

It felt like my world was crashing down around me and there was nothing I could do about it. 

I started reading books. I started a blog or two. I started freelancing at nights and waitressing on the weekends.

It wasn't enough. 

I started to accept that this was my life now. I couldn't save myself. 


My girlfriend invited me to her Vision board party...

No matter how hard you try to hide it, you friends always know when you're struggling. (I could barely have a conversation without crying so I wasn't hiding anything. Everyone knew I was having a hard time.)

Luckily, I have amazing friends that want the best for me (and I'm sure you do, too). My friend invited me to a potluck-style vision board party where everyone brought in one dish and one bottle of wine. 

I met several women her were farther along in their own personal journeys. (I think I was the youngest person in the room.) Over entirely too much wine, we swapped stories of struggle and triumph and dreams for the next 365 days. 

Related: How To Successfully Host Your First Vision Board Party


What I really got out of that experience...

I was not alone.

Everyone struggles at some point in their life. Personal pain and failure is not a direction result of your age, how you grew up or your educational background.

We all feel it.

Life ebbs and flows.

Some women were making difficult life decisions. Others were hopeful that they'd find what they were looking for. Others, still were building empires. 

At any point in life, I could become one of these women. 


I, too, could turn my life around.

Before attending the vision board party, I struggled for so long I started to feel like this was going to be my life and it was about time I got used to it.

I stopped believing that I could change my life.

I didn't believe I was capable of making a big life change. I believed that the doors were shut. I screwed up too early. I was incapable.

Then, I talked to other women who'd been there, done that and lived to tell my story from a point of triumph. They encouraged me that my dreams were valid. 

I, too, could succeed. 

Related: 8 Mindset Shifts To Create Abundance (when all hope is lost)


I was worthy.

My self-esteem was severely lacking. (That part is obvious.)

I was so deeply depressed that I thought no one would want to talk to me. I was terrified anyone would ask me what I did for a living (my response would be "I fail for a living"). I never mentioned my school because it was a small liberal arts college no one's ever heard of.

I believed I was overall unworthy of friendship, mentorship or anyone's time. 

In my head, I was a loser. 

Not only were people excited to talk to me, they told me that I was worth more than I was giving myself credit for.

I was not unworthy. I was unaware of my worth.


I could choose.

Prior to that vision board party, I was letting every new tip, ad, or vision of success drive my actions.

If some online guru said they made a ton of money using social media or blogging, I tried it. I was willing to do anything and leaving my success completely up to whatever convoluted idea came my way. 

After failing in my career, relationship and finances, I didn't trust in myself enough to choose what felt right for me. 

Creating a vision board forced me to do what I hadn't done in over a year. I asked myself what I wanted to happen in my life next.

I did not have a fully developed goal, but I walked away from the party believing that I could choose something that aligned with my personality.


Here's What Happened the Following Year...

I got some of my peers together a few weeks later to complete my vision board. I wanted my friends to enjoy the shared experiences and crowd-sourcing of ideas that I felt at my first vision board party.

After replicating that feeling of inspiration and excitement about life with my friends, I wanted to have that feeling more often. 

  • I created a local community group where women met monthly to share things we've learned, talk about goals and hold each other accountable.

  • I decided to figured out what I wanted out of my life.

  • I started taking online classes in anything that sounded remotely interesting.

  • I deeply pursued the coding.

  • I decided to go back to school.

By the end of that year, I started to see glimpses of what my life would become if I continued down this path. That was the year I found my passion. The following year, I cut my expenses, quit all my jobs and went to grad school fill time. The year after that I graduated with a job in my field, effectively tripling my income

It all started with everything I learned at my first vision board party.


If you're wondering whether to host a vision board party this year, do it. Even if you feel like your life is going well right now, do it for a friend. 


Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party?  

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.

About the author

Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

9 Crowd-Pleasing (and Affordable) Wines You Need At Any Vision Board Party

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.

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No vision board party is official unless there's wine involved.

You can forget everything you need to build the vision board, totally lose track of the magazines, forget to bring your cork board and lose the scissors on the way to the party and you can still have a successful vision board party. 

But forgetting the wine! Well, that's blasphemy! Throw in the towel, your party will be a dud.

Since wine is the cornerstone of the vision board party, you'll want to make sure you have the right kinds of wine and a good variety to make sure everyone in attendance will have something to sip on.

Here are my top recommendations for affordable wines to serve at your vision board party. I've divided the recommendations up into whites and reds (because I know it's difficult to know what's what just from the name). 

They're all from Revel Wines, an online wine shop that specializes in great-tasting wines that won't break the bank and they deliver it right to your door (one less thing to worry about while you're party planning!) 


The Whites

Your whites will be community tables faves, especially if you're serving light-feeling foods like chicken and fish options.


2014 Shadowland Reisling

The 2014 Shadowland Reisling is your ultimate crowd-pleaser wine. With a sweet, fruity taste, this wine pairs well with those shrimp skewers you plan on making. This is perfect to get the party started and get people talking to one another and sharing stories, (mainly because they won't be able to put their glass down)! 


2014 FLO Moscato

At every vision board party you go to, you'll have your wine newbies and your wine snobs. 90% of people are newbies and will want the sweetest rendition of wine you have. I always recommend getting a few bottles of 2014 Flo Moscato because, well, I've never found a newbie who didn't like the sweetness.  


2014 Sunday Funday White Blend

The Sunday Funday White Blend won't be as sweet as the Moscato, but it will have a crispy, fruity refreshing taste to it. I'd pair this with some shrimp fried rice from the local Chinese food spot. (Trust me on this one!)  


2016 Hyacinth Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc is my favorite wine of all time - especially if it comes from New Zealand (and this one does)! It's not a sweet-lover's go-to kinda wine. (In fact, Sauvignon blanc is one of the driest whites out there!)  The crisp, fruity flavor of this wine if perfect for a Sunday Brunch vision board party.


The Reds

Since most vision board parties happen from November - January, I like to have a nice assortment of reds to sip on. Reds are better for winter because they're typically served room temperature and pair well with those hearty holiday dishes everyone's passing around the table.


2016 Our Daily Organic Cabernet Sauvignon

I love having a good cab lying around because this will be your "safe" wine that everyone has at least heard of once before. The 2016 Our Daily Organic Cabernet Sauvignon that can be paired with a smoked cheddar that will definitely keep the crowd happy!


2015 Whiplash Malbec

The Malbec is one of those "introduction to red wine" kinda wines. The 2015 Whiplash Malbec is a bold and intense red that pretty much starts a fruity party in your mouth. It is great paired with heavier meats like a steak or some barbecue ribs (though you'd want to find a way to serve them so it doesn't make a huge mess over anyone's big vision). 


2015 Whiplash Red Blend

 The Whiplash Red Blend is a bold California red that pairs well with spicy foods. 


You can get all of these wines (and several other amazing wines) at Revel Wine.

Planning for your vision board party can be a beast, but if you make sure you have the right wines available, everything else will fall into place. 



Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party?  

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

Create a Vision Board That Actually Serves You (Not Just One That Looks Good)

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I'm a huge fan of creating a new vision board at the beginning of each year. Since I started three years ago, it's taken me longer and longer to complete my board because I like to make sure the images and quotes will serve me all year long - and it has to be reflective of what I really want to accomplish.

Vision boards (especially those made with friends and complimented with wine) can help give you a vision of what to aspire to and what you want to accomplish. I personally like them because my vision board usually help me make huge changes in my life and during rough times, it helps me stay committed to the goals and keep my eye on the prize.

For your vision board to really work in helping you reach your goals, you have to make sure that it is a great representation of what you want to accomplish.

Seems easy, right?

The truth is... creating a representation of your goals is not so easy because...

In 2017, we're all suffering from major FOMO. You see someone creating an online business or popular YouTube channel, traveling the world or living their dreams (don't even get me started on the friends getting engaged and having beautiful weddings) and all of the sudden you want to see your life go in a similar direction. In reality, you COULD want something completely different, but constantly being connected is keeping you from focusing on your own goals.

Self help podcasts + books + articles + gurus tell you what you want... rather than you deciding what you want. No matter where we go, we're constantly plugged in, listening to some successful person talking about how they achieved their level of success... dangling their implied fame + fortune in your face, only for you to try every method possible to reach that same success. When, all the while, their success may not be aligned with your idea of success.

To create a vision that served you, you gotta get clear on what you want. Try these four activities to get there:


Take account of what energizes you and makes you happy

Think back to a time where you were on top of your game. You felt great, you were rewarded for your success and impact AND, most importantly you were proud of yourself. What were you doing at that point in your life?

Try to make sure those same actions and activities are apart of your big vision.


Decide what you want out of your life

What's the end goal, here? What are you working towards? A year from now, what does your ideal life look like? If you can get clear on what you want, you can create a vision that will help you get there.


Decide what you're going to say NO to

Show me your calendar and I'll show you your priorities. Sometimes we can get caught in a trap of making everyone around us happy with miscellaneous tasks that have nothing to do with what we want out of life. When you decide what you are going to stop doing (and say "No" to) you get to make more room for the things you say yes to.... and start doing more of the things that will push you closer to accomplishing your goals.


Triage your life

Everyone hates going to the Emergency Room because they take entirely too long to get to you UNLESS something has gone terribly wrong and you need help RIGHT NOW. Imagine that every aspect of your life is waiting for you to optimize it in the ER. Look at everything - your personal finances, relationships, education, career and everything in between - and decide which one needs the most attention. Thinking about your priorities like this will help you make the changes that will make a huge difference in your life.


Following these four activities to create a clear vision will help you create a vision board that really changes your life.

Happy Creating!


Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

Why Vision Boards Work - And Why You Should Create One

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.


Let's chat about what an ordinary day of adulting really looks like, shall we?

You wake up via an annoying cell phone alarm, after ever-so-gracefully hitting the snooze button about three times. Then you stumble out of bed and commence your daily routine of making yourself look half way decent and head to work. After a long day's work, you come home, have dinner and shoot the breeze (possibly watching Netflix or Hulu) until you go to sleep and do it all over again the next day. 

Here's the deal - it's incredibly easy to live that same exact story over and over again - day in and day out. 

While doing something different, going on adventures, pursing new goals, or learning something new look amazing as you're scrolling Instagram, they all TAKE EFFORT. It takes a significant amount of your time and energy planning and executing for these things to actually become a reality. (Oh, and you also have to be consistent because if you're not careful, you could start planning and then your goals can disappear in an instant if the roller coaster of life get's in the way.)

That's where vision boards come in. 

A vision board is a visual representation of all the things you want to accomplish over a certain period. While it's common use a poster board to build your vision, you can create a vision board using any medium that fits best with your style.

I like to do create a vision board at the beginning of the year instead of setting a New Year's Resolution because I love having a huge canvas each year to set goals in every area of my life

Creating a vision board could be just what you need to break out of the every day snooze fest, here's why:


Vision Boards Give You A Reason To Reflect On What You Want Out of life.

In any given day, you can point out the things you don't really enjoy about your life. You can also daydream about things you'd want to accomplish if you had only the chance. Thinking about these things every day means absolutely nothing if you don't make an effort to fix them.

Creating a vision board is your opportunity to reflect on your life - the good and the bad - and redesign your story. Through your vision board you can set goals to do more of the things you enjoy about your life and less of the things you don't enjoy. Your vision board is your escuse to take a moment to think about your needs and focus entirely on your action plan to make it happen.

My favorite book for exploring your self, your desires and your destiny is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. A friend gave this book to me when she realized I was struggling with adulting and needed a serious lifeline. Now I recommend it to others. 


Your Vision board serves as a constant reminder of your goals.

The real power in vision boards is the daily interaction with them. If you put your vision board in a place where you'll get to see it every day, it will begin to train your mind to think about the things you want, even when you're not necessarily thinking about them or focusing on them.

While you may have had difficulty focusing on accomplishing your goals, your vision board will be your point of focus. Depending on what you put on your board, you're placing yourself in the position to solve those problems or focus on those goals even when you're not trying. 


Your Vision Board Is Your Reminder to live a full life

The most powerful thing about the vision board is that it's your own blank canvas and you're absolutely unlimited in what you can put on it. Your business goals can sit right next to your travel goals, next to your money goals, next to your relationship goals. When  you look at your board, you're not only thinking about the home you want to buy, but you're also thinking about how you're going to align your money habits to reach those travel goals and buy your first home. With a vision board, you begin to view your life as one full picture and it's your job to put all the pieces together in perfect harmony. 

Vision boards are powerful for many different reasons, but the biggest value you get from a vision board is the effect it has on your mindset.

The second you decide to create a vision board you are making a consious decision to put yourself and your needs first. You make the decision to take control of you life. You assert your strength over your life. When you create your vision board, you paint a picture of your future - you tell yourself and the universe that this is what you will have. And even if you don't hit the moon, you'll surely land amongst the stars. 



Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.

About the author

Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!