Vision Boards

How To Snag A Top Speaker For Your Vision Board Party

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.

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You can honestly host a vision board party anyway you like. You could invite your friends over for some wine and have a small party or you could host a large-scale event with speakers and sponsors - the whole nine.

If you're looking to host speakers at your vision board party, it's going to take a lot more effort than calling up your besties but the reward can be huge.  


Why Have A Speaker At Your Vision Board Party? 

Your attendees want to spend time thinking about their goals for the new year and feel inspired to take the next steps in their journey. As the host, it's your job to help them get there. 

A speaker can add a element of inspiration through experience and mentorship. They can talk about the challenges they've been through and how they got through them. Encourage people to continue pursuing their goals. Speakers can also answer burning questions that the audience may have. 


Consider your target audience 

There are a million speakers out there that can speak on a billion different topics, but you want your speaker's message to resonate with your audience. You have to know who your target audience is to be able to get a speaker that will will be able to connect with them. 


First, know what their goals are.

If you have an audience of small business owners, an influencer talking about breastfeeding and healthy eating for new mothers may not resonate perfectly with their goals. However if you have an audience full of pregnant women, they will be highly receptive to that message.

Focus to the audience you are catering to to find a speaker that has a message for that person. 


Who would your target audience be interested in seeing? 

There are often some speakers that get people super excited, and then there are other speakers who people aren't as excited to see. Try to balance that line of popularity with a very strong message. If you have a larger audience you can simply ask them who are they interested in seeing tell you. 


Who can help them Reach their goals?

Sometimes the person your audience wants to see is super popular but their message couldn't really help them reach their goals.

For example, you could invite Cardi B to your vision board party and a lot of people would show up to see her but they may not get the message that you hoped for at the end of the day. 

Your speaker cannot be selected based on popularity alone, they have to have a message that your audience can take away to reach their goals. 


Panel versus single speaker 

Speakers can appear alongside four to five others and answer questions from the host. On the other hand, you can have a single speaker doing a workshop or keynote talk. Both options are really great options based on how you set up your event and how you want your event to flow. 

If you have a host to ask questions or you want to ask questions yourself, then a panel might be a great route to take. Panels are great because you get several different viewpoints on one question and opportunity for people to be able to see themselves in different panelists.

A single speaker can be equally as effective if the audience and the speaker are both very targeted so you know that speaker's message is going to totally land with the theme of the event and with the audience is hoping to see. 


Getting in contact

Getting in contact with influencers and popular speakers is easier than you might think. Once you decide on the speaker, simply go to their website and go to the contact page. Most speakers will have their email or contact forms available on their site. 


Your first email

When you send your potential speaker an email, give them information that helps them understand who you are and who you're catering to. 

Here are a few examples:

  • where the event is and what kind of event it is.

  • who the target demographic is so they can assess whether it's a good fit for their brand.

  • show that you know a bit about them and have specifically chosen them based on their credentials (show that you’re not picking a name out of a hat).

  • the next step in the process and gives them a link to learn more about the event. 


following up

When you hear back from the potential speaker about your event, make sure that you follow up with them in a timely manner. Offer a few times to hop on the phone with them so that you can hash out the details and they can ask you any questions they might have.


Paid versus Unpaid 

When you start to contact speakers, you will find that many speakers have a speakers fee available on their website or will quote a speakers fee when you contact them.

If you do not have a budget for your speaker, that's okay. Some people are happy to speak at your event without a fee however you may want to give him a few things to make your event worth their time and effort.

Here are a few examples of things you can offer instead of a speaker's fee:

  • Emails to your list

  • Advertising on social media channels

  • A table to sell products at your event

  • Complimentary tickets to event for friends and family

  • Access to the full event video

Once you secure a call with the speaker, this is where you talk about all of the offerings you have.  


Make working with you easy 

From the moment someone agrees to be a speaker at your event, make it super easy for them to do what they do best: speak.


Be Available

Whenever they send you an e-mail always respond within 24 to 48 hours. That will give them the confidence that you are professional and put them at ease with working with you. 


Provide a social media promotion kit

We would all like for speakers to be excited about creating fun posts on social media for our event, however speakers are very busy so that doesn't always happen.

If you want a higher chance at getting a speaker to promote your event, make it incredibly easy for them by providing a social media promotional kit.

Your promotional kit will have cut-and-paste social media templates that they can easily post to their channels and provides all of the images that you've already created to promote the event.


Day of show list with to do's and contacts

A lot of moving pieces can be distracting on the day of the event. As the host, you don't want to be running around trying to take care of everything last minute. (At that point, your main concern should be looking fabulous and having a good time.) 

To ensure everyone knows exactly what to do (and minimize how many people are asking you questions) provide them a "day of show" itinerary. This is basically a list of what to do and expect when you get to the venue. 

Creating this list is a little bit more work up front, but will come in handy when you are able to welcome your guests without having speakers and advertisers asking a million questions. 


Having a great speaker for your vision board party can enhance the day of the event. You'll have a professional there for people to ask questions and get more clarity in their goals for the year.

Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

What Is A Vision Board Party? (And Why You Must Attend One)

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At the end of every year, people jump into a frenzy deciding what they want to accomplish in the next new set of 365 days. This is a great time to reflect on what you've already done so far, and look forward to what you will accomplish and become next. 

Since you're thinking about your goals and New Year's resolutions anyway, you may want to consider attending a Vision Board Party or hosting one of your own to help you flesh out your ideas in a more creative (and social) way. 

What is a vision board party? 

A vision board party is a goal-setting event where you create a visualization of your goals.

Usually people will bring their own poster boards and magazines and then they'll spend an hour or two flipping through the magazines to find images and quotes that embody the future that you desire for yourself. 

Then you'll create a board with images all of your goals and dreams that will inspire you throughout the year. 


What different types of vision board parties are there? 

Your Besties and Family

A vision board party doesn't have to be very large, you can have one with just your close friends and family.  No need to get fancy, just get a small group together to talk and create.



You don't have to supply everything that people need. You can make it a potluck and have everyone bring their own dish or a bottle of wine. Encourage people to bring their own poster boards and some magazines. 

I really enjoy hosting Vision Board potlucks because you don't have to supply everything which lowers your cost significantly.

 Related Content: What Kind of Food Should You Have at Your Vision Board Party?

A Community Event

Your Vision Board party also doesn't have to be limited to just close friends and family, it really depends on your preference. You can host a party for members of your community. Groups who will typically have a Vision Board party are: 

  • Women’s empowerment groups

  • Women's ministries

  • Goal setting accountability groups

  • Entrepreneurship and leadership community groups

  • Nonprofits serving the community

  • Culture Clubs

The use for a Vision Board is unlimited so feel free to introduce this idea within your favorite local meetup.


An Activity within an event

You could also create a larger event and have Vision Boards as one of the activities.  These types of events may be something like leadership seminars, bible study groups, entrepreneurship groups, or inspirational retreats.


What's the real benefit of hosting a vision board party?

I know it all sounds fine and dandy (and possibly fun), but what's in it for you besides a potential meal and wine? 


Time to focus on your goals

Throughout the year many things come up at times that get in the way of focusing on your goals: 

  • Demanding careers

  • Family and friends

  • Relationship/Marriage

  • Personal emotions (because depression, loneliness or plain ol' exhaustion can get the best of any of us)

A Vision Board party can help you set aside time to focus on your goals without distraction.


sharing your ideas with other people 

This is my favorite result you'll gain from any Vision Board Party.

When you're focused on your goals at an event with other like-minded people, you will notice that you start to have conversations on how to develop your goals faster. You'll get unique opportunities for networking with others in your industry. You could meet a new mentor that could guide you towards your goals faster. You may learn different ways to tackle your goal that you didn't know about before.


mentally prepare yourself for a productive year 

Because Vision Board parties are typically hosted at the end of the year in December or at the beginning of a New Year in January, it is a great way to prepare yourself for what you're going to do in the upcoming year.

 You will leave with unlimited inspiration and feeling energized to focus on your goals and to continue to build upon them as the year progresses. You’ll make some new friends and build a new community of cheerleaders to celebrate your wins with you as you grow.

Cheers to dreams coming true!


Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

What Materials Do You Need To Create A Vision Board?

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If you’ve never created a Vision Board before, it's easy to get very overwhelmed with the details.

What magazines should I get?
How large or small should my Vision Board be? 
How do I create a Vision Board that will really make a difference in my life? 

Vision Boards can be incredibly transformative in your life, but you have to put a little bit of effort on the front end before you start building it. Gathering all of your materials before you get started means that you’ll be able to dive deep into creating your vision with unlimited inspiration, and without having any interruptions.

It takes me about 5 days to create my Vision Board. That's because I start out by thinking about the goals that I want to accomplish. Once I have my goals set in mind, I get all of my magazines together. (I usually have a large stack ready to finger through because I collect magazines throughout the year.) After that, I start to build my Vision Board using all of the magazines that I collected. Even once I have all of the space filled up on my board I continue looking through magazines to take out the weaker images and quotes and replace them with better ones that really speak to my soul.

Related: Create A Vision Board That Actually Serves You (Not Just One That Looks Good)

Here's what you need to get started building your Vision Board:


A Canvas (of some sort)

Your Vision Board will need a background to hold all of your images. What you use for the background is completely up to you. Here are a few options that have worked well for me and my party guests

Poster Board: Remember the white paper that you would use in elementary school or middle school if you wanted to present something? It's the cheapest route to go to create a Vision Board. One of my friends has been creating her vision on a poster board every year for the past 5 years. She collects them and writes the year on the back of each Vision Board. That way she can go back to her Vision Boards later and see what kind of things she was dreaming of and see how far she has come. (And who doesn't love a walk down memory lane?)

Cork board: I personally use a giant cork board. Every year I remove all the images and quotes that I put on my cork board and I create an entirely new vision. I have used the same board for about 4 years now and it is still intact. A cork board is great if you want to put a few nails in the wall and hang it. I've had my Vision Board right above my bed for the last three years. 

Journal: A simple, plain white paper writing journal can be a great place for your vision. If you use a journal then your Vision Board can double as a space where you can write down all of your ideas and keep track of your progress. You can also take your Vision Board with you on the go because it’s small enough to take with you and refer to it anytime you want. If you choose to go this route, I would definitely use a large-sized journal so that you can put a lot of different ideas on it. 

Related: 5 Unique Ways To Create A Vision Board That Fits Your Style

The Magazines

The magazine clippings that you choose make up your entire vision - and will be your inspiration for the entire year #nopressure. The magazines you choose are very important.

Get started with a good selection of magazines. Try to find magazines that will cater to every area of your life. While it's super fun to pick up all of the fashion magazines, you may want to also subscribe to family, health & wellness, money, parenting and home decor magazines.

Every year, I build my vision with about 20-30 magazines. The easy way to get 30 magazines (without losing hours in the magazines section at Walmart or trying to find gems in the free family magazines they have at the grocery store) is to get an magazine subscription. I have magazine subscriptions to Sunset Magazine, Women's Journal, Golf, Essence, Money and Women's Health. Every month (or bi-monthly depending on the magazine schedule) I receive a magazine in the mail and I just stack them up throughout the year. By the time I'm ready to create my next Vision Board they're just sitting there for me, ready to devour. 

Related: What Magazines Should I Use For My Vision Board? Effective List of Do's and Don'ts

You are a dynamic person. That means you will likely be setting goals for several areas of your life. You'll want to have the right inspiration at hand when you create your Vision Board. An assortment of magazines that focus on different life areas will ensure that you don't have to stop building your vision because you don't have the right materials that you need to set a goal in that area for the year. 


The Glue That Holds Your Vision Together (Literally)

Next, you need adhesive.

I highly recommend using a simple glue stick if you are using a poster board. I never ever use white glue because if you use too much it can make your magazine clippings look wrinkly and it takes longer to dry.

You could also use two sided tape. One sided tape is fine, but I prefer the two-sided tape so that you never have to worry about seeing the tape on the outside of your magazine clippings.

If you're working with a cork board then definitely go with pins. I like to use different colors and different shapes the current pins in my board right now are a pastel colored - super colorful and super fun. :) 

Once you have those three items, you are nearly ready to build your vision board. You just need one more thing before you get started...


Create Your Vision Before You Create Your Vision Board

Before you start looking through any magazines for inspiration on where you want to take your life make sure that you already have a concrete idea of what you want to accomplish next.

Magazines are created to sell advertising space - that means they will have the most beautiful unrealistic-looking size 0 models, mocking you with their perfectly airbrushed skin. They will present you with every new trendy style and piece of jewelry that you must have to have to make your life better. Magazines will encourage you to get healthier, build better relationships, get every recommended product for more voluminous hair.

If you do not start your vision board with the vision that you want in mind, you will end up subscribing to someone else's agenda. (It's pretty much inevitable.)

Real Goal Setters are not interested in following anyone else is version of success.

WE DEFINE OUR SUCCESS.... and we don't care what anyone else thinks about it. 

Before you start Vision Board building, take some time to block out everything that's going on in the rest of the world and focus on what's going on inside yourself. Ask yourself what you want to accomplish and what kinds of things you would like to do with your life next.

Everything else is fluff. 

Once you have your goals and all your materials ready to go, the only thing that's left is to build your Vision Board.

If you’ve already created a Vision Board, comment below with your favorite magazines to use or the coolest goal that you’ve accomplished.

Happy Creating!


Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

The Ultimate Guide To Epic Vision Board Parties

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Vision Board Parties can be a ton of fun. Getting people to talk about their goals over food and wine is honestly one of my favorite events throughout the holiday season. (Right after Thanksgiving because nothing tops Grandma's sweet potato pie. 😍)

Before we hop into the guide, I gotta be honest. I don't think there's any wrong way to host a Vision Board Party. Seriously, just get some friends together and a ton of wine and a couple magazines and voila you have a party. Everyone will have a great time because the nature of the event calls for positive energy, vulnerability, and aspirations. You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who doesn't leave a Vision Board Party super motivated to CRUSH their goals. 

Related: How My First Vision Board Party Turned My Life Around

I have discovered, however, that there are ways to have an amazingly awesome Vision Board Party that encourages more sharing and collaboration.

Here's a quick checklist to get together everything you need:



If you want your vision board party to flow perfectly, you'll need four key items scheduled.

  1. Mix and Mingle: At the beginning of the party, give people a lot of time to grab food and drinks and get settled in uninterrupted.

  2. Ice Breaker Activities: Once most of the guests have arrived, have a few activities that will allow them to get to know the other people in the room. See here for some ideas.

  3. Vision Board Overview: Not everyone who shows up will know what a Vision Board is. Before you dive into the building Vision Boards, give a brief talk about how to create one.

  4. Working Session: Some structured time for them to start to look through magazines and find things that really speak to what they want to accomplish.

I don't associate times with all of the items on my agenda because I prefer for the event to flow naturally. But I always create an agenda to make sure I hit all of the items. 


food and drinks

There is no party if you do not have food and drinks. (Trust me, I once hosted a potluck where everyone brought wine and we had absolutely no food. It was a disaster. By the end of the night, we were super drunk, really hungry and not coherent enough to order pizza. #EpicFail 🤦‍♀️)

For Vision Board Parties, all types of food are fair game, but I would actively shy away from messy finger foods like barbecue chicken or buffalo chicken drumsticks they definitely keep you away from flipping through magazines putting things on your Vision Boards.

For drinks, I recommend going with wine.  Try to get a mix of dry wines and sweet wines, red wines, and white so that all of your attendees have something they can enjoy. (Side note: There might be non-alcoholics in attendance so have water and juices available.)


You'll need to have a few items on hand for people to build the vision board with.

  1. Poster boards

  2. Magazines

  3. Scissors

  4. Glue (I prefer glue sticks because they're not as messy as white glue.)

Each year I build my vision on a corkboard. It has lasted for 4 years of vision boards. Every year, I remove the images and quotes that inspired my past goals and put up my new sources of inspiration. Be prepared with thumbtacks in case others show up with a corkboard so that they can attach things to their Vision Board while they're at the party.

Pro tip: Also grab colored card stock and markers. There will be times where people do not find exactly what they wanted magazines. When I was job hunting, I wanted to make $75,000. That was my goal. I could not find $75k in any magazine but it was okay because I took a green marker and I wrote the number $75,000 and I stuck that on my Vision Board.


icebreakers and activities 

No one likes going to a party and coming up with some awkward way to start a conversation. It's awkward for everyone, extroverts and introverts alike. 

As the event host, you can help your guests out by coming up with a few activities to get people talking. Icebreakers are small activities that engage people in conversations with each other. This can be helpful when you have a room full of people who don't know each other. 

A few fun activities that you can schedule in the agenda would be:

  • Ask people to introduce themselves and share what they enjoy doing in their free time.

  • Talk about the goals that each person wants to achieve in the upcoming year.

  • Have people talk about their bucket list items.

Having these types of activities scheduled in the agenda increases the likelihood that people will start to have deeper conversations about their goals and aspirations throughout the evening.. 


The music 

Obviously, the music that you have on in the background sets the tone for the entire event. To perfectly match your music with the type of music in the attendees will enjoy, make sure you have a good understanding of who's coming to your event.  Perhaps you can make a playlist ahead of time.

Throughout the party, keep the music very low more like background noise than a distraction. Play music that is friendly and upbeat like smooth R&B (and not dancing music). If all else fails I would go with Lauryn Hill Pandora station. 



A Vision Board party is not a party if you do not have your friends around you. You can invite friends from your work, your community, your church, different types of activities that you're involved in, parents from your child's school and those lifelong friends that have been with you forever. The people are truly what make the Vision Board Party.

Think about it, why would anyone host Vision Board Party to create a vision board? You can really make a board with magazine clippings that represent what goals you want to achieve all by yourself in your bedroom. You have a party for the people. The people who inspire you, will support you and mentor you.

The purpose of the party is to start the conversations around your goals and get insight from each other's experiences and expertise. Then, you have the unique opportunity to incorporate those tools, tips and advice into your goals so that you have a great starting point when you start to pursue them. 

Related: 10 Girlfriends You Must Invite To Your Vision Board Party

Lots of magazines

Magazines are the core of the Vision Board. They make up the Vision Board images and quotes that will inspire you throughout the year division.  Your guests will need a lot of magazines to choose from.

Select a variety of magazines that cover different topics that will speak to the different aspects of people's lives. Make sure you get magazines that talk about personal finance, health and fitness, adventure and fun, family, education, career and relationships. 


Vision Board Parties can be highly inspirational and informative for every guest. Make sure that you have everything you need to be truly inspired and leave motivated to achieve your goals.


Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!