How To Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome and Get Laser Focused On Your Goals

Out of all the addictions in the world, I've been fortunate enough to be totally addicted to podcasts. They helps me feel like I have friends when I'm riding in the car by myself and be more well rounded (I know a lot more random facts thanks to This American Life and Planet Money). The most uplifting thing my podcasts teach me (though most distracting) is entrepreneurship.

After listening to four podcasts about how four different entrepreneurs created six-figure businesses - while raising kids, getting married, and buying their first home with no debt - I'm always looking for new ways to change what I'm currently doing in my business, personal life and finances.

I mean, seriously, why don't I have a six-figure business + a hubby to Netflix and chill with + a home with no mortgage? (Clearly, I'm not podcast material.) I can't help but think, maybe I should create a course, start coaching and create a Facebook group to cultivate my audience, like the entrepreneurs on the podcast. There must be something I'm missing, right?

That feeling - the one you just read - is textbook Shiny Object Syndrome.

It's the moment where you see something that could potentially be more lucrative than what you're currently doing and you feel the urge to chase after it. Nine times out of ten, when you do follow these "shiny objects" you'll go down an endless rabbit hole and end up right where you began, often with less energy, less money and a little beaten up by the world.

Here are my top tips to say NO to Shiny Object Syndrome.


Switch to the 12 Week Sprint Strategy

The easiest way to fall out of love with your goals and get distracted by a shiny object is by creating a goal that's so far away it doesn't seem tangible. Even if you're taking tiny steps toward your goal, it can sometimes feel so far away that you feel no sense of urgency around it.

In the 12-week sprint strategy,  you break down your goals into small, bite-sized pieces. (For example, rather than get 100 customers, focus on getting your first customer.) You'd set 3-5 small goals and then spend 12 weeks, approximately 3 months, striving to reach those goals.

This is a great way to re-think your big goals and push yourself to accomplish them, one small step at a time. Plus while you're juggling your 5 goals, you won't have time for shiny objects. #winning.


Create habits that are in line with your goals

OK - there are a ton of habits you can create. I've seen everything from elaborate morning routines to one-hour long night routines, but the habits I'm talking about are functional. Create a set of habits around your ongoing projects. If your brain always knows what to do next, you don't have idle time to follow random tips from the shiny object gurus. 

For example, every morning when I wake up, I post my scheduled Instagram post. While I watch TV on Friday nights, I also pin on Pinterest. I send out 3 pitches per week. I block every Sunday as a working day. For my blog, I have an annual calendar and every Wednesday night, I just hop over to my list and write the next post on the list, no thinking necessary.


Cherish Your Brutally Honest Friend

I know all too well about getting distracted from your ultimate goal. I have an accountability partner that I chat with every other week and I talk about what my goals are and what I'm striving to reach in the upcoming weeks for Thrive Lounge.

While I have very many "yes" friends that think I can do no wrong, my accountability partner will totally call me out on my BS. She's the first person to ask me why I'm doing something or how it aligns with my brand vision. She challenges my thinking around my business and forces me to get back on track.


Take a vacation from podcasts/blogs/social media

Shiny object syndrome usually goes hand in hand with FOMO, which goes hand in hand with social media. Sometimes consuming too many blogs and podcasts and watching what everyone else is doing online can distract you from your ultimate goal.

When you stop watching social media and take a step back, you can get clarity from what you actually want - with no outside help from the gurus. Your next move will be based on an idea that you came up with and something that you're excited about. 


create a shiny object list

Create your own personal "I might do this one day" list to create a home for your shiny objects. That way, every time you see an idea of a new product, a new marketing tactic or a new revenue stream you have a place to save it without actually pursuing it at this time. 


Shiny object syndrome is alive and well, but at the end of the day, you get to choose what you do with your time. Choose with your big vision in mind and you'll never go wrong. 

Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

What Magazines Should I Use For My Vision Board? Effective List of Do's and Don'ts

vision board magazines.png

Every December, I tend to go a little over board with Vision Board Parties (I end up doing about 5 parties every winter). In all my years of creating vision boards with friends, there are some magazines that get passed around the table several times and get picked over and cut up until there are only a few pages left. Then, there are the reject magazines - the ones that no one bothers to touch and even if they haven't completed their boards, and no one wants to take these magazines home.

Related Content: What Materials Do I Need to Create a Vision Board

Related Content: Everything You Need to Know About Creating A Vision Board

How do you decide which magazines to use for your vision board? Us get-it-done-gurus really don't have time to look through crappy magazines, do we? #AintNobodyGotTimeFoThat

Here's a straight-to-the-point list of Do's and Don'ts to help you create your next vision board effectively - with the right magazines. :-)  

Pro Tip: I like to order annual magazine subscriptions for super cheap instead of buying them at the Wal-mart. It's literally a difference of getting 12 issues for $5 or one magazine for $5.99 in the store. I save them in a box throughout the year so I'm super prepared once vision board time rolls around!


The Do's

Magazines with BIG, BOLD images and titles.

Think about how your vision board will be structured. You want a combination of visuals and text that represent what you want to achieve throughout the year. Selectively flipping through magazines BEFORE you buy will give you a good feel for the magazine's layout and style.


Use magazines that align with your goals for the year.

I always recommend setting your goals before you create your vision board. Knowing your vision and goals ahead of time keeps you from suffering from shiny object syndrome when everyone around you is setting lofty goals that sound really cool but have nothing to do with YOUR vision.

The other benefit to knowing your goals before creating your vision board is that now you can be effective in choosing your magazines.

For example, if you know you're setting big money goals like paying down your student loan debt, you can shy away from the home decor magazines and go straight for the jugular (ahem.. I mean Money magazines).

 Here are the BEST magazines for each of your goals: 

Travel: Sunset magazine ticks all the boxes. You'll find beautiful waters, elegant homes and beautiful designs that would make Martha Stewart herself proud. Get a subscription to Sunset for $0.31 an issue.


Style: From this seasons greatest to what's next in the fashion world, Instyle Magazine will give you everything you need to speak your future SLAY into existence. Get a subscription to InStyle for $0.92 an issue


Fitness: My favorite is Women's Health Magazine mainly because they talk about fitness, but with a more well rounded spin (and it doesn't make you feel like a total pile of flab). It's the fitness mag for the average women.  Snag a six-month subscription to this magazine for $.80 an issue.


Parenting: You really can't go wrong with Parents Magazine. They cover all things parenting for all ages and stages. You can get your fill on how to raise your kids, budget with kids, dress your kids and do arts and crafts with your kids all in one mag. 

The best part is the price tag. You can get a 2-year monthly subscription for $7.99 (That's $0.33 an issue! Seriously, why does anyone buy magazines at full price?) 


Money: If you're working towards some money goals, Kiplinger’s personal finance magazine will have everything you need! You will get tips on pretty much everything from savings, to investing, to budgeting, to retirement. 


Business: For the latest and greatest in all things business, there is no magazine that does it better than Forbes. You'll get all the most innovative entrepreneurs, what's coming up next in technology and an insider look into up and coming startups. 


Melanin: Without a doubt, you must show up with the latest Essence Magazine. They've been dominating the melanin magazine world forever with no signs of slowing down. With a price tag at $0.91 an issue, the annual subscription to Essence is a no-brainer.


Celebrity gossip magazines.

Trust me on this one... The gossip magazines come in handy when you want to put your she-ro on your vision board. If you want Rihanna, Beyonce or Michelle Obama, she will be in the gossip magazine - every week - slaying. (My fav is Us Weekly)


Anything Oprah.

Every issue of the O magazine is vision board gold. It doesn't matter if you get the most recent copy or an older issue, the layout of this magazine was created to inspire your inner creator, builder, and lover of life. (Yes, all of that was necessary.. and true.) You can't go wrong with the O magazine so if you're standing in line at the Walmart and you can't make a decision, buy 2 O magazines. #truth

Get a subscription to the O Magazine for just 3.99 for the year. (That's 0.50 cents an issue.)


The Don'ts

Time and The New Yorker.

I don't care if your goal is to become more learned and intellectual - these magazines will definitely help you do that. What these magazines won't do is give you that magical one-liner in a big, bold beautiful font that you can put on your vision board and glance at from afar. The wording here is brilliant, glorious… and tiny. It will not serve your vision board well, my friend. 


Retail Store catalogs

OK - I have been to several vision board parties where people just grab the catalogs that have been sent to their house all year and bring them to the vision board party. Yes, on occasion, people are just looking for a well-dressed person to put on their board. However, your J.Crew catalog hardly cuts it for most people's big hairy audacious goals. I promise you that Michelle Obama waving in a fab dress most of us can't afford will make it on the board instead. #WeDreamDifferent


Free city magazines from the grocery store

No explanation necessary. 

Crafting your vision board, whether you're by yourself or with a fab group of ladies, is a time of reflection on the successes of the past and a moment to dream about future possibilities. Choosing the right magazines gives you the opportunity to brainstorm and share stories with uninterrupted inspiration. 


Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

How To Craft The Perfect Cold Email To Influencers & Leaders


Through the years, no matter how much my goals have changed (from being an OBGYN traveling the world with doctors without borders to being a fancy executive traveling the world to meet international clients) I've always had people that I looked up to. I'm sure you do, too.

Even in this complex online world of social media marketing, exploding online brands, image + video + content creation (you catch my drift) there are people who don't even know I exist that I look up to every day. As I get older, I realize that no matter how BIG, LARGE and TOTALLY IN CHARGE someone may seem, they are human... just like the rest of us, plugging away on our computers creating things that we can share with the world. 

With my new-found revelation, I decided that when I wanted to reach out to someone, I would simply... reach out to them. To my surprise, it was easier than I thought and I found that if you approach someone that you look up to very professionally and in a genuine tone, you will get a response.

Here are my top tips on crafting your cold email to influencers and leaders.



Before you start cold pitching people left and right, make sure you do some research to reach out to the RIGHT person that will be a good connection for you AND why you'd be a good connection for them. You can do this by paying attention to the people already in your in-person or online networks. This could be an executive at your company or an influencer who's podcast you listen to religiously.  

Once you pinpoint a person, deep dive into their online presence and find out what do you have in common with them and how your goals and their life goals are aligned. Knowing these will help you get one step closer to creating a bond with that person. Think about it: When you're hanging out with a group of people, you naturally feel drawn to people that have the same goals or are moving in the same direction as you. Don't look for influencers that you will have to manufacture a relationship with simply because they're cool and successful. 



This used to be the most difficult thing for me because, let's be honest, no one wants to look all beg-ish and stuff, but the reality is you don't just want to be a "thank you for being awesome" email that's nice in the moment, but easily forgotten. You want something bigger. You want to create a real relationship, mentorship or collaboration. The way you communicate what you want is by forming a solid ask. 

This can be a request to take them out for coffee because you want to learn more about their career. You can ask them to be a speaker at you upcoming event or featured on your podcast. No matter what the ask, make sure you are very clear on what you want out of the relationship and communicate that exact desire to them. Nothing is worst than getting a vugue email asking "can we collab in some way"... seriously.



 No matter who you'd like to connect with (not even if it's Beyonce) is the only person in their niche or doing what they do. Why do you want to reach out to this person insead of another person doing the exact same thing. 

This is your opportunity to show that you actually know something about their vision and mission and you're not just spamming every successful person you could find on the interwebs. 


Once you're clear on that, in comes the hardest part...


Here's an email that I sent out to an executive at a company, asking her to lunch.

Let's break down this email:

  1. Compliment. You can create a very genuine compliment to the person you're reaching out to if you are clear on what makes them unique. (Pro tip: I admire you (with no reason why) is not an acceptable compliment.)

  2. State your common ground. If you've properly done your research on their background, accomplishments and current pursuits, you will be able to find a common value between the two of you. Let them know you're not a random person and you have similar goals.

  3. Directly let them know what your ask of them. No one lines a vague ask. Influencers and leaders don't have a ton of time to guess what you want from them. Being clear makes it easier to say yes! :-)

  4. Be gracious... and always say Thanks!

The most important step you will take in reaching out to an influencer or leader you admire is hitting the send button on your email. #JustDoIt

Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.

 This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

Got Fear? Six Ways to Crush Your Fears and Boost Your Confidence

crush your fears

No matter how much success you've seen or how great your business is doing, it can happen to you. 

I'm talking about fear.

Fear that you may not meet your goals. Fear that your next promo will fail. Fear that your business may fail.

And fear isn't necessarily bad. We all get scared or have doubts. But it's when we let our fears take over, that's when our confidence starts to waver. So instead of giving in to the fear, let's look at how you can reframe those fears, overcome them and remain confident in your business.


Step 1: Identify the fear. 

The first step - identify your fear. I mean REALLY identify it. Not in an "I'm afraid to do live video" kind of way. Go deeper than that. What about doing live video scares you? Are you afraid to say something wrong? If so, that probably means you're not really afraid of saying something wrong, but maybe you're afraid people will judge you or not like you. (#truth)

Focus on identifying root of your fears. If you get stuck, I encourage you to journal about it. Start with something like, "I'm afraid to do live video because..." and just let your thoughts flow. What comes up may surprise you.


Step 2: Determine how the fear affects you now.

Unless you understand how this fear is negatively affecting your life, you're not going to change it. Take a look at what your fear is doing to your life. What is it keeping you from doing?

Don't answer this at a base level, though. Let's go back to the example of being afraid to do live video. Maybe not doing live videos or webinars is keeping you from reaching a bigger audience. Or maybe it's keeping your engagement low. Maybe you're not getting as many sales as you could if you did do videos.

Also, think of what your life would look like if you continued to let this fear hold you back. Will you continue on the same path?


Step 3: Embrace your fear.

Like I said, fears themselves aren't a bad thing. It's a human thing. It's when we let them hold us back from doing something we actually want to do, or when they kill our self-confidence that's fears aren't your BFF.

So the next step is to embrace your fears. Admit you have them, but also think of what could come from embracing them and overcoming them. Imagine if you faced the fear. What would your life, or your business, look like then? Would your business expand? Would you sales increase? Would you be happier?


Step 4: Face your fear.

You can jump right in and face your fear, or you can imagine it.

Let's start by imagining. Say you were to actually broadcast live. What would happen? Is it  as scary as you think? Maybe people who have been following you start interacting with you, making you feel like you're talking to a friend. Or maybe no one sees it live and they only catch the replay. 

Our fears tend to make us think "worst case scenario!" when in reality, it's never as bad as we think it is. Plus, when we face our fears, we deflate them and take away their power.


Step 5: Boost your confidence.

If you still feel like your fear is messing with your mind, give yourself a confidence boost. Make a list of all the things you’ve accomplished in your life and in your business. It could be graduating from college (or even high school). It could be landing your first paying gig or client. Basically you’re making an “I AM a badass” list. One that will remind you of the things you’ve overcome, the things you’ve face and what you’ve accomplished.


Step 6: Visualize how you want to feel.

You have total control over your fear. You can either let it control you, or you can control it.

Visualizing yourself facing your fear can really help you get over it. Imagine yourself doing it, and imagine the outcome being amazing.

No matter who you are, fear can creep up when things don’t go as planned, or when things take a nasty turn. Either way, fears hold us back. They crush our confidence in ourselves and in our businesses. Facing them head on will allow you to overcome any fears that pop up, and move forward with total, badass confidence.

Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.


About The Author


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!