7 Reasons to Host a Vision Board Party in 2022


The first vision board party I ever hosted, came after attending a vision board party for my friend Riche. 

I left the vision board party feeling so inspired to go after my goals and focused on life change that I wanted others to experience the same thing. 

Related Content: How My First Vision Board Party Turned My Life Around

What’s a vision board party?

I’ve written about vision board parties several times before, this is a party, workshop or social gathering where folks talk about their goals and create a visualization of what they want to be, do and have in their lives. 

Related Content: What Is A Vision Board Party? (And Why You Must Attend One)

Can’t I just go to someone else’s vision board party? 

As vision board parties become more popular, you’ve probably seen many vision board parties floating around in your neighborhood. You could definitely attend someone else’s vision board party - and you’ll find that no two vision board parties are made equally. 

Some vision board parties focus on specific topic areas (money, business, life balance), different groups (kids, teens, adults), some are more general but no two are alike. 

When you create your own party, you can make sure that the focus is on topics that inspire YOU. You can also make sure that the crowd is an awesome group for you network with and enjoy.

There are so many vision board parties out there, mine won’t stand out.

Your vision board party will stand out to the person you want to reach. 

Attending my friend Riche’s vision board party ultimately changed the trajectory of my life. This wouldn’t have happened if I went to anyone’s event. I adored Riche. Seriously, I love everything about this woman from the way she carried herself to her family. When she speaks, I listen. 

Your party will reach your people, and that’s exactly what you need.

Related Content: How To Plan An Unforgettable Vision Board Party.

Why should you host a vision board party?

You have a burning desire to change the world around you.

Have you ever had that feeling that you were made for more? That somehow you could use your story to change lives? 

I did. 

After years of fighting my way out of poverty, I knew that my story would be someone else’s breakthrough. There was no way I could watch someone struggle alone. I wanted to be the resource I wished that I had on my journey. 

It’s been the most rewarding work. I love watching people reach their dreams and go after their visions.

Use your creativity in ways that you love.

How many hidden talents do you have? You can use those talents to create something beautiful for others.

Every party is different and every vision board is different. Use your creativity and enjoy the process. From the invitations to the food and table decor; use that creativity that is unique to you.

Related Content: What Kind Of Food Should You Have At Your Vision Board Party? 

Related Content: How To Nail Your Vision Board Party Invitation

You have a trial and triumph story that should’ve had a book a long time ago.

OMG. This is really the game-changer. The thing that makes your vision board party stand out. 

Your story will allow you to touch someone in a way that nothing else will. Think of the struggles that you’ve gone through in your life and how helpful it’s been to have someone who has been there helping you along the way.

Or maybe you didn’t have anyone to help you along the way.

Now you get to be that person. That inspiration. That lifeline for someone who doesn’t know what to do next.

And don’t think that you have to have gone through a major tragedy in order to help someone. Maybe you’ve successfully navigated your career path, maybe you have a knack for home decor, maybe you’ve perfected your favorite hobby.

Whatever it is that you’ve been through or succeeded at, you are the perfect person to share it with others and help them succeed.

You know how to navigate challenges in life, share the knowledge with your community. 

Through your journey, you’ve learned a thing or two about success. Maybe you’ve learned how to plan out our goals so that you reach them quickly. Maybe you’ve learned how to make close connections with others and build a community. Maybe you’ve created income streams that others wish they could have. 

There is no one better to tell your story than you.

Meet the people you impact in person.

In a vision board party, you sit face to face with the people that are actively looking for a life change. 

This is where the connection happens, the networking happens, the accountability happens. And the people you impact will impact you too; in ways you ever expected.

Related Content: 10 Girlfriends You Must Invite To Your Vision Board Party

Create an impactful side hustle or full-time business.

Wait, what? I can make money doing this?

Yep, you sure can. You don’t have to turn this into a business. You may just host one party per year and be completely happy with that.

But once you start seeing the results of vision board work, you may just love it so much that you want to turn it into a side hustle or full-time business.

If this interests you, check out this post on How To Make Money Hosting Vision Board Parties.

Because one person can make a difference… why not you?

Many times we find it difficult to start. We don’t believe that alone we can change someone else’s life. Sometimes we want to help a million people, but forget that to change a million, you must start with one. 

No one else can tell your story. And even though the thought of starting with impacting one person seems small, the ripple effects are astonishing.

Goals don’t come to fruition without focus and intention. Get a vision board party scheduled so that you can put focus and action to your goals and inspire others to do the same.

In the comments, tell me one thing that you’d like to change in the world.

Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party?  

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.



I'm passionate about vision boards and hosting vision board parties. Thrive Lounge is the ultimate resource for hosting high impact vision board parties and creating vision boards that work.