Five Strategies to Improve your Vision Board Workshop (without spending money)

five strategies to improve  your Vision Board Workshop

When you begin hosting vision board parties, it’s easy to create a great experience for your small group. However, as you host more and more of them, it’s alluring to want to ‘go bigger’.

This is a question I get from many of the students in my Sold Out Vision Board Parties course. 

They want to know how to elevate the experience for their guests. They want to add some WOW factor that will make their guests feel like time and effort went into every detail of the event. 

Would you believe me if I said that the best way to uplevel your event has nothing to do with adding more pizzaz? 

That’s right. 

I’m saying that you don’t need more speakers, more vendors, more sponsored experiences, more little flower pots, more quotes, or more bedazzle. 

If you want to uplevel your event, the best way to do that is by understanding your customer’s needs and learning how you can best serve your attendees. 

Why you don’t need more bells and whistles.

When people decide they want to attend a vision board party, what are they looking for? 

Life change? A change to start over? A glimpse of hope? A community of like-minded goal setters? A clearer vision? 

Yes, yes, oh my goodness, YES!

If you close your eyes and imagine someone attending your event, you can likely see any one of these being the reason people are attending your event. 

Are they attending because you had pretty flower pots? inspirational quotes? or that the table was perfectly decorated? 

No matter how much you love decorating, you likely know that your guests are attending for the life change - not the decor. 

Therefore, the only way to improve your guests experience is to make it easier for them to have that aha moment, by tailoring the experience to their needs. 

Strategies to Improve your Vision Board Workshop

Understand your ideal attendee better

There is no generic vision board party attendee. Your attendee will be different from the next vision board party host because your experiences, your message are unique to you. Because your message is unique, you’ll attract a different audience than anyone else out there hosting vision board workshops. 

In order to best serve your ideal attendee, you must understand them. Learn about theri backstory and where they are today. Learn about their limiting beliefs and what’s holding them back. Learn about what keeps them going and 

Become a better teacher

Helping your ideal attendee reach their goals faster should be your ultimate goal. When your guests can have an aha moment at your event, and break through their mental challenges, you have achieved your goal. 

The better you can get at closing the gaps for your audience, the more they will value their experience. 

Work on your speaking skills

Because you’re guiding your ideal attendee through an experience for clarity your communication plays a huge role in their ability to receive the message. Spending your time perfecting your talk so that your audience receives it in the best way possible is the best use of your time.

Improve your storytelling

Every great speaker has a remarkable story to tell. This story sucks your audience in and helps them walk through their own roadblocks without having to specifically. 

If you haven’t perfected your stories and tailored them to your audiences needs, this is a great place to start.

Remove experiences that do not serve your ideal audience

If you love decorating, you’ll immediately want to create the most gorgeous tables and presentation for your audience. Maybe you love a particular person and you’ll want them to be a speaker for your group.

Here’s the thing: adding more does not automatically create a better experience. What makes the experience one to remember is that the event is tailored to your your audience’s needs. So with each new addition ask yourself “what does this add?”

Sometimes the answer will be “nothing” and that’s OK.

Start upleveling your experience right now:

  1. Find someone that’s your ideal attendee.

  2. Have a candid conversation with them about their challenges, dreams and what they’d like to accomplish. 

  3. When planning your event, think about serving that person’s needs and helping them reach their goals faster.

The experience for your audience is not in the bells and whistles, it’s in the transformation. The key to unlocking a mindset shift and helping your audience navigate the rough times in their life is through understanding their biggest challenges. When you create a shared, supportive space that your audience feels heard in, their experience will surpass anything extra speakers, decorations or more magazines ever will.

Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!