
Seven Steps To Using the Law of Attraction to Manifest Your Dreams

How To Stop Working Towards Someone Elses Dream.png

I watched The Law of Attraction documentary on Netflix, featuring The Minds Behind The Secret. It sounds invigorating, but it begged the question….. does this work?

The documentary outlined visioning things and creating a vision board, but nothing really sounded concrete. Could I really make things happen in my life simply by thinking about them? Would the law of attraction work for me?

What is The Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction is the belief that having positive thoughts about your life and future will “attract” more positivity and prosperity in your life. (And who doesn’t want that, right?)

Simply put, I believe that I’ll have a beautiful home and then I get a beautiful home.

Does The Law of Attraction work?

I know… It really, really doesn’t sound real.

If getting everything you want was THAT simple, we would’ve found a solution for world peace, cancer and bad heartbreaks a long time ago.

I would’ve been much more skeptical if my best friend hadn’t forced me to make a vision board years earlier. I’d used the law of attraction to manifest so many great things in my life - including a high paying job and even finding my true love. It worked, but even after watching the movie, I couldn’t figure out why.

Why It Works?

The Law of Attraction starts with you approaching the world around you with positivity and believing in yourself.

At its core, the Law of Attraction is in line with the most basic level of optimism, trust and confidence.

If you can be optimistic about your own life, trust that the things you want are available to you, and embrace confidence that you can achieve your dreams….. then the Law of Attraction will work for you.

How To Practice the Law of Attraction

OK. I’m gonna make a quick shift from the big picture and dive deep into how you can start to do this in your life Every. Single. Day.

And for those of you that are wondering…yes.. this is related to manifestation.

Ya know Kinda like how gravity is the reason a ball falls to the ground when you drop it.

Law of Attraction, like gravity, is the principle or rule. Manifestation is the outcome (like the ball falling to the ground).

Side note: Also, similar to gravity, the Law of Attraction is happening. If you’re putting negative energy out into the world and feeling defeated, that’s what you will manifest.

These rules are the actions you can take daily to ensure the Law of Attraction works the way that we want - to get the things we want in life. To accomplish our goals. To live our dreams.

Get clear on what you want to accomplish

The Law of Attraction can’t work to achieve your dreams if you have no idea what your dreams are.

That’s like getting into a car and starting to drive with no destination - and then wondering why the GPS isn’t working.

You don’t have to know exactly what you want, but you do need a general idea.

For example, you can manifest your dream home by gathering ideas about the home you'd want to live in one day.

Visualize it

Visualizing is a core principle of the Law of Attraction. This is where you see yourself in a state of accomplishing the goals that you set. It helps with making the dream real in your mind before it’s ever a reality.

We are huge advocates for using vision boards to create a collage of your dreams, but you can use pictures, affirmations or even a Pinterest board.

Related Content: What Changes When You Create a Vision Board

Believe that it’s coming

The second core idea of the Law of Attraction is trust.

You really have to trust that your goal is possible. This is the step where many people stop.

If you approach your goals by believing that you’ll never get there to begin with, there’s no way you’ll achieve them. You won’t work as hard. You will feel defeated before you start.

Trust that you can do this…. Because you can :) Don’t stop now.

Work on it

Contrary to popular belief, manifesting doesn’t happen simply because you thought good thoughts.

You have to work like you expect your dreams to come true. You must act as if you’re able to achieve it.

Let’s imagine that you want to write a book. So you set your intentions, you created a vision board and you truly believe that the world will love your stories.

What comes next?

Well, what does someone who wants to write a book do? They write.

Believing you’ll have a great book doesn’t make a great book appear. You write it.

Or you don’t.

For anything to “manifest” you HAVE to put in the work.

How To Start Attracting Your Dreams Today

Just in case you’re so excited that you want to start right this minute:

  1. Set your intention! :) Write down one thing you want to accomplish.

  2. Act as if you know it’s coming. Start working towards it and truly believe it will come.

  3. Create an affirmation to help you push through. Check out my post on affirmations here.

The law of attraction might seem unattainable. Trust me, I know how difficult it can be to believe in something that you can’t yet see or feel.

If you look at every step of the Law of Attraction, at its core all you’re really doing is setting a goal and working towards it. That’s what brings you to creating your reality. You’re actively engaging in your life to make your dreams come true. You’re preparing yourself to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.

You can manifest anything you want.

What’s one thing you’ve been putting on the back-burner that you can move forward? Where is that dream that you didn’t quite have enough confidence to go after? What’s that thing in the pit of your stomach that you know you were meant to achieve in this life?

Take a step forward today.

Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Let our Thrive Lounge vision board Starter Kit be your guide. Click here for details.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.

Chief thriving officer


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

5 Steps to Manifesting Your Dreams Using a Vision Board in 2022


I created my first vision board in 2015, which helped me move from rock freakin’ bottom to simply not poor. It wasn’t a giant improvement, but it was enough to help me believe that this whole vision board thing might actually work.

The following year, I decided to dream bigger and put the number $75,000 in big green numbers on my vision board. My goal was to 3x my income in 9 months with a grad school program.

By the end of the program, I received an offer of exactly $75,000.

So when people ask me “Do vision boards really work?”  Or say things like “it’s too woo-woo for me” I can’t help but smile. They work like magic…. if you take them seriously.

Vision boards have been the only way that I’ve been able to manifest the things I want to create in my life. And every year, I watch my dream transform right in front of me.

Vision Boards and Manifesting

Manifesting means to create something in the real world.

You may not realize this, but you’re doing it all the time - even if you’ve never heard the word manifesting before.

Have you ever had a dream that you made come true? For example, during my lowest rock bottom, I realized that journaling could help me get out of my head and have a bit of gratitude for the meager life I did have.

There was one problem: I couldn’t afford a journal.

I started to act as if I knew I was getting a journal anyway. I started looking at journals in the store and on Amazon. I knew that I wanted one that would inspire me with beautiful quotes. I wanted something that would fit into my purse so I’d always have it. I wanted it thick enough that I’d be able to keep it for a while.

Soon there after, at my receptionist job, I greeted a woman who arrived for a meeting with on the executives. She happened to be carrying a journal that had exactly everything I wanted. The black leather cover was filled with inspirational affirmations from top to bottom. The entire 6x9 book would fit right into any of my purses. I immediately asked her where she got it from, admiring it from across the desk.

On her way out of the office, she stopped by my desk and said, I haven’t written anything in this book yet - and I’d like you to have it.

That is manifesting. You can manifest things big or small, expensive or cheap, realistic or grand AF.

Related Content: How to Manifest Real Love with a Boyfriend Vision Board

A vision board is a tool in the manifesting toolbox.

Your vision board is a visualization of everything you want to be, do, and have in the future. It’s your blank canvas to post images, quotes, affirmations and drawings of anything you want to create in your life.

Manifesting is, therefore, the ultimate goal of the vision board. The measurement of success for your vision board is whether the things you want became a reality.

Is A Vision Board For Me?

If you want to improve the overall quality of your life and manifest your goals, a vision board can help you to do that. To be honest, you don’t even have to believe in vision boards.

Seriously, I only created my first vision board because a woman I know and trust swears by them. Before then, I thought vision boards were some woo-woo fad that would soon pass. Plus I was in such a bad place in my life at the time, I figured it couldn’t hurt. Only after watching my goals manifest did I truly believe.

This is my favorite tool for people who are just starting out in manifesting their dreams because it’s easy to start, fun, and can even be made into a group activity. (I host vision board parties every year for friends and family to create their vision boards together.)

How To Manifest Using Vision Boards

Step One: Understand the steps to manifesting

There are three key steps in manifesting:

  1. Ask: Set your intention for what you want. The more clear that you can be on what you want, the better you can “ask” for what you want out of life.

  2. Believe: Trust that the process will work for you. Fears about whether you can create your reality will only hinder your ability to be “all in” on your future.

  3. Receive: Allow the change to happen in your life. Start to act as if your goal is inevitable and It. Will. Be.

Step Two: Visualize The Ask

Here’s where your vision board comes in. Once you know what you want to manifest, it’s time to solidify the idea in your mind with a vision board. Use your vision board to visualize the end result of achieving your goals. Imagine what your life looks like. Imagine what your new daily schedule would be. Imagine the people around you. Imagine how you’ll feel. Imagine what types of things you’ll be doing.

Step Three: Prepare To Receive with Goal Setting

Start preparing yourself to achieve your goal by breaking your dreams down into smaller, more achievable goals. Manifesting isn’t supposed to be about waiting for things to happen to you. Instead, it’s about moving through your life with intention and purpose.

Setting goals and working down the path means that you expect your goal to become a reality, you believe. (See what I did there?)

In my story, I started looking for journals and doing the research as if I would be able to purchase it one day, even though I didn’t have money for food.

Step Four: Be Present In Your Life

The biggest thing keeping people from attracting their dreams is worrying about their past or their future. If you’re worried about the training you don’t have, your age or your skin color, you might miss some of the opportunities right in front of you.

Focus on the moment you’re in. Pay attention to the things around you and try to notice when the stepping stone to your desire is near. (Remember when I met the woman who gave me my first journal?)

Step Five: Appreciate This Moment

Working towards your goals might be difficult at times - that’s a good thing. Commend yourself for taking time for you, for working towards what you want or for trying something new. As you start to make accomplishments towards your goals, don’t forget to take a minute to celebrate.

Take Action Right Now

Vision boards are one tool that helps you on your manifesting journey. Once you realize that you can manifest anything you want, it becomes easier (and addictive) to manifest more things.

I want to encourage you to take one tiny step to manifest your dreams:

  1. Write down one thing you want to manifest this year.

  2. Find one image that represents this idea for you.

  3. Place that image on your bathroom mirror where you’re guaranteed to see if every day.

Manifesting anything you want out of life starts with one simple step: knowing what you want. Once you have that idea you can visualize your goals, map out the steps to get there, find mentors to help and focus your energy in the right direction.

Take that first step and share what you want to accomplish this year in the comments below.


Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

Why You Must Start Living Your Dream


Do you ever wonder what would have happened if you followed your silly childhood dream?

I have.

For decades, I've imagined myself singing on a stage in front of a small crowd in a speakeasy. They'd be nodding their heads to my sultry melody and my words would shift them from a state of urgency to a state of understanding. I'd fill their spirit with the jazzy melodies I grew up listening to as a child.

THAT was my dream.

This year, I swallowed every ounce of you-can’t-do this + its-too-late + you’re-not-good-enough and took the first step.

I promised myself that I would sing on stage at least once.

I didn’t know how it would happen or who’d be crazy enough to put me on a real stage, but I convinced myself that no matter how small or what audience, I would find a way to make it happen. After all, I can’t teach people to create vision boards and go after their dreams if I’m not doing it myself.

That’s when I got the email. Last year, my daughter’s artwork made it into a gallery and we signed up for the email list. That same gallery doubled as a theater - and was holding auditions.

When I received the email I thought “I gotta do this. What’s the worst that can happen, right?”

I auditioned for a musical - and got one of 5  roles. (I played a ballet-dancing novice Nun in a silly musical called Nunsense.)

I could finally consider myself a real singer.

As a singer, I started my new life:

  • Practicing 3-4 times a week with the cast

  • Learning to dance ballet and tap

  • Memorize dance moves, harmony and words to 10 different songs in my free time

All to perform well for 5 shows. Then after those 5 shows, the magic was over.


People clapped, we bowed and then my life went back to normal.

To accomplish this goal, I gave up my free time. I pushed myself physically harder than I ever had. I gave up time with my daughter that I'd never (ever) get back. I traded the morning and evening time I used to work on my blog for learning ballet via YouTube.


Even though I lived my dream of singing on a stage (and had awesome pictures to show for it), I didn't feel like the spotlight was worth everything I lost.

That feeling is the number one reason you must start living  your dreams today.

I Liked The Outcome, Not The Work It Takes To Get There

It wasn't until I actually started rehearsing for my first real show that I truly understood what it took to do the work.

You might be dreaming of yourself holding a best-selling novel, standing on stage in front of millions or amassing millions of followers on your award-winning YouTube channel. The end goal sounds AMAZING, but the work lacks the same glamour and recognition.

The work requires you give things up.
The work challenges your persistence.
The work makes you second guess your abilities.

If you don’t start living your goal, you’ll never know if you’ll love the day-to-day the same way you love the end result.

I Loved It As A Hobby

I needed to take a step back. My body ached, my feet begged for relief and my daily productivity suffered due to lack of sleep.

All after just one set of performances. I couldn’t imagine getting back up to do this again. I loved the experience. In fact, I wouldn't mind doing this again… once a year - max.

Singing Is Not A Priority For Me

The more I had to leave my daughter at home each week, it started to eat at me. I was too busy during the week to spend time with her and too tired from rehearsals on the weekends to do anything with her beyond watch Netflix.

Surprisingly, I missed blogging. I couldn’t impact millions of lives all over the world with my little musical. I couldn’t encourage the women at rock bottom. I could barely find the time to support myself with the little pockets of time I had.

I realized the cost of singing was too high of a price to pay. My ability to impact others with my story is more important to me than I had ever realized.

I Wasn't Missing Out On Anything

Since college, I blamed my parents for pushing me to become a doctor and not nurturing my natural ability as a singer. They knew that it was a passion for me and instead, they wanted stability for me, they wanted me to do the college thing (which led me nowhere) and get a more stable career.

So I did.

I went to school, I looked for jobs, I started my career - all with the idea that I'd never do what I REALLY wanted to do. I'd never become a singer. Because of them, because of my daughter, because of society at large, I'd never accomplish my goal.

I thought about it as a thing far in the distance, that because I didn't have the courage, time or money, I'd never reach.

After singing on a stage, I realized that it was fun, it was satisfying, but it didn't change my life. It didn't make me any more or less of who I am. The heavens didn't open up and reveal a new life that I'd been missing out on.

I'm still Exactly. The. Same.

I needed to accomplish this goal in order to see that I could. I needed to see what it felt like practicing and rehearsing for one amazing show to know what it feels like in my body. I had to study harmony and ballet to know that my life was already filled with all the music I desired.

I needed to try my goal to stop wondering…… what if?

Maybe you do, too. Maybe it will be super amazing and you’ll start living a life that you never thought possible. Or Maybe you’ll be happy with your accomplishment but will decide to move on to the next thing. Either way, it’s better to have the answer than to always wonder. What have you been wanting to do that you’re holding back on? Time to find out the #truth.

Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

What Changes When You Create a Vision Board


If you’ve never created a vision board before, it’s probably hard to understand exactly why you’d want to go to the store, buy a million magazines, spend hours looking through them, cut out pictures of smiling models and fancy food, and then labor over a piece of poster board like a third grader trying to finish a science fair project.

Then again, you may have heard that some your friends swear by these little creations. Is it worth it?

Related Content: Why Vision Boards Work and Why You Should Create One

Related Content: How to Set the ONE Goal That Will Change Your Entire Life

I’ve been creating vision boards for several years now, and after my first creation turned my life around (like full on rags to riches), I refuse to begin a year without one.

One of my blog readers recently asked me: What really changes in your life when you create a vision board? It is in fact true true, you don’t get skinnier over night, you won’t be 100% confident by morning, and no one is going to deposit extra money into your bank account. You still have to work hard for all of those results.

So why not just skip the vision board and work hard, right?

There are three things that changed dramatically when I created my first vision board. I’ve noticed that I still feel the same way every time I create a new vision board at the beginning of each New Year.

I asked what I want out of life.

Before that moment, I was taking whatever life had to offer me without making any decisions of my own. I was reacting to life. I accepted whatever came my way. I had no plan. No goals.

When my relationship wasn't working out - I simply gave more of myself, hoping that someone would choose me.

When I was rejected from every school I applied to, I gave up.

When studying for the GRE was difficult, I told myself that I was bad at standardized exams. Grad school wasn't meant for "people like me" (yeah, I actually said that).

When my friend invited me to her Vision Board Party, I only agreed to go because I didn’t really have anything else to do. But creating my first vision board, required me to ask ,and really think about the question: “What do You Want?” For the first time ever, I ignored who wanted me and what they wanted me to be and who they wanted me to become. I paid attention to the things that I wanted without any input from any other human in this world.

Answering that question was hard (because I’m a grade-A people pleaser), but answering that question gave me freedom to re-discover my desires. It helped me set meaningful goals. It gave me something to work towards. It gave me focus.

I started to believe I could actually do something about it.

My first vision board convinced me that I could accomplish something. That's it.

I set the bar really low. At that time in my life, I felt like such a failure that it would have made me super proud just to finish something I started.

But the most important thing is, that I made a choice. I was no longer waiting around to be pushed into a corner, broken up with or rejected.

I would do my best to finish… something.

I started to choose.

It was the biggest mindset shift I ever made - and that decision to start choosing for myself, is what changed my life.

To tell the truth, a vision board is not some almighty creation that instantly changes your life. It’s an enabler. It enables you to think through your desires with no input from the world around you. It enables you to be honest with yourself. It enables you to choose a life you want, instead of accepting the life expected of you. It empowers you. Dream big my friend.


Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.

This post may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more info.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!