
7 Strategies to Stop Overthinking and Get Things Done


Have you ever had a moment where you spend too much time thinking through a problem, but never really got around to actually DOING anything? 

I have. 

To attend any reputable grad school in the US, you have to endure this grueling Olympic level task - taking the standardized entrance exam. 

For as long as I can remember, standardized exams were my kryptonite. I just couldn’t do them. 

I’d go to the library and get every book on them. Then I’d read every blog article on how to study for them. I’d create an outline for my study plan. 

Then I’d grab my beautifully designed happy planner and jot down which days I’d study. 

I’d outline which sections I’d do on what dates and what I’d study for three months out. After spending several weeks game-planning, I’d crack open the book… and fall asleep in the first 10 minutes of “studying”.

Maybe I needed a different book. This one just wasn’t resonating with me. 

And the process of planning and thinking…… began again. 

But no DOING. 

What is Overthinking? 

Thinking deeply about what you’re going to do next to an extreme point where you don’t take action. 

In my story, this is where I’m plotting the exercises I’m not actually doing and putting things on a calendar that will never happen. Here, I’m making the classic mistake of overanalyzing what needs to be done from start to finish, without ever making progress. 

What does overthinking look like? 

Have you ever seen someone tell you exactly how they’re going to do everything right to hit their goals? 

Writing a book looks like: 

“First, I’m going to write my outline.”
“Then I’m going to write a little bit each day.”
“Then I’m going to get a super hot cover artist.”
“But before I get started, I really have to figure out how I’m going to publish this book.”

Overthinking is when you have a goal that you’d like to accomplish, but instead of moving towards your goal you research every single step, familiarize yourself with the process, consume a lot of information, maybe even purchase courses on the subject… 

But you don’t take action.

What causes overthinking and overanalyzing? 

The same thing that causes most of our inability to accomplish our goals - fear. 

Maybe it’s the fear of disappointing family. Maybe you want something so bad, you’re not ready to experience failure. Maybe you’re afraid of the roadblocks ahead. 

All of these things keep you paralyzed in the planning phase. 

I historically sucked at standardized exams. I already knew that. That’s why I was afraid to make the commitment. We were incredibly poor and I knew that this was the one thing standing in my way. Why didn’t I want to take the exam. 

Because I knew that if I gave it my all, I still might fail. Then I would have no hope. I was afraid of losing my only option at changing our circumstances. 

That type of fear will keep you up at night thinking and overanalyzing every detail. 

How does overthinking affect your life? 

OK, it’s time for some tough love, my friend. 

If you’re overthinking, then you’re likely worrying about your future. You’re worried about what happens if you try and fail. You’re likely also worrying about what happens if you don’t try. Then you’re beating yourself up even more for not moving forward. 

Saying things like “I should be farther along than this!” 

… or “I feel stuck.”

… or “I know what to do, I just gotta do it!”

You feel anxious about the future, but stay stagnant because you’re not making any decisions that move you closer to your goals.

Yes, this is exactly how I felt. Then, I found a way to take action. 

So let’s jump in. 

How To Stop Overthinking to Achieve Your Dreams

Accept that you don’t know everything. 

And no amount of research will give you everything you need to know. You’ll still hit challenges and roadblocks despite the most diligent planning. 

Know that you’ll figure it out along the way. You don’t have to know everything before you start.

Find comfort in uncertainty.

Once you’ve been in a few uncomfortable situations and made it through, that feeling of uncertainty isn’t so bad.

It can even be motivation to start figuring things out.

Embrace the messy middle.

You don’t want to look back and realize that you spent the entire journey dreading every step. Embrace where ever you’re at and know that this stage won’t last forever.

Take things light-heartedly and don’t forget to have an occasional laugh at yourself while you’re figuring things out.

Become the person you want to be through action.

Change doesn’t happen without action. You don’t lose weight without changing your eating habits and working out. You don’t build a business thinking about it. You don’t save money without budgeting and opening investment accounts.

Start taking action as if you were already succeeding.

Let go of the outcome.

Things may not end up exactly how you planned. But they could end up better.

And if they end up worse, it will likely bring clarity as to what your next steps should be.

Know that you can always pivot.

If your path doesn’t turn out the way you want or you encounter some unexpected bumps, you can always change your direction.

Sometimes failing at something makes it even more clear which path you should take.

It’s never too late to start down a different path.

How To Stop Overthinking Right Now

If you want to take action right away, try these: 

  1. Identify one thing that you are holding yourself back from doing.

  2. Write down one action you can take today that will put you one step close to that goal. 

  3. Take that step.

Taking the time to plan for your journey can be crucial to your success. However, many people will never reach success because they let a small decision stand in their way. Which tool is the best? Who’s the perfect person to reach out to? How do I make the right connections? 

In reality, the only way you will make progress - any progress….. is to start. 

Let’s take that action right now. In the comments, tell us one thing that you’ve been overanalyzing and commitment to taking one action to move forward!

Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

4 Simple Ways To Stay On Track During An Unproductive Summer

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unproductive summer (1).png

The more I focus on my goals, talk about goals, write book about goals I realize that a lot of us are going through the exact same emotional roller coaster with our ambitions. 

In January, we feel rejuvenated after spending time with family over the holidays and are overly inspired by the idea of a new year and an opportunity to create a brand new you.

In Feb - May, we pursue our goals. Somedays with passion and others with reluctance. But... we try.

Come June-July we realize the sun is out and in full effect and we can finally emerge from our winter slumber... mostly to look really good in a bathing suit on a beach somewhere. Or go to brunch. Or finally start dating again. (Just me?) 

Even though I literally wrote the book on goal setting I'll be the first to admit that ever summer I struggle to stick to my routines with the constant allure of brunch + happy hour + looking-really-good-in-a-sundress.

Instead of writing, I'm scheduling drinks with friends. 

Instead of creating a companion course for my book, I literally went on an impromptu 10-day couch surfing trek through my hometown spending time with every friend I haven't seen in a while - provided they had an empty couch.

Instead of planning out my next speaking gigs, I've been going out on dates like I'm a contestant on the bachelorette.

Yes, #TheStruggleIsReal.


How Can We Continue To Crush Our Goals Through The Summer? 

The answer to this question is obvious, but not intuitive. 

Choose the one goal that you want to accomplish... then slack off EVERYWHERE ELSE. 

Seriously, you're not required to be an all-around life badass all the time. It's the summer, the sun is shining bright - and there are far too many rooftop bars in New York to sit in the house worried about every possible goal.


How I'm Applying This Philosophy

It's obvious I've lost track of my routines and have been trending away from Superwomen towards super-slacker, but my primary goal for 2018 was to get out of student loan debt.

After paying off 10K in 2017, I started off 2018 with $32K remaining in student loan debt and one goal - to pay it all off. In the first seven months of the year, I paid of $10,647 in student loans! 

student loan payoff


Through the summer, I've continued to make the same large payments on my student loan debt to continue working towards my big goals.

So even though I haven't been productive, I haven't started my next book or course, I've been eating like crap and not exercising,  I've been drinking entirely too much wine (Yes, that's possible)....

I have continued to pay off my debt. 

That's all that matters. 

Related: How This 28-year-old Increased Her Net Worth By $20,984 in 13 months


How Can You Win The Summer? 

If you're looking at your summer and wondering what happened to your ambition, you're not alone. Here's a couple of ideas for what you can do to get your goal-getting life back on track: 


Lean Back

Make a firm decision that this is not a goal-getting year for you.

Sometimes we just need a break from life all together. If you firmly decide to take some time for inner reflection, you can stop feeling guilty for not pursuing a goal and enjoy your moment of intentional slowing down.


Course Correct

There is always time to get back on track.

If you have a clear goal for where you want to go, figure out where you are in progress towards it. Next, make a list of all the steps you need to take to get you there. Finally, take out a calendar and plan out when you're going to do each of these steps

Once you do that, get started!

Start From Scratch

It's mid way through the year and you really haven't done anything towards your goals.

That's perfectly fine! The best time to get started is always today. If you don't have a goal yet, but you're really feeling like a couch potato start with figuring out what change you want to make in your life and why you want to make that change.

Related: How To Set The ONE Goal That Will Change Your Entire Life

Once you have your goal, you can start taking steps to reach it.  

Stick To The Plan 

This is for the folks that are well on their way, but might be getting a little bored with their goal. (Trust my I'm super tired of my budget! Sometimes I want to go out and order a glass of wine without thinking about my student loans, but these days that just doesn't happen!)

Focus on the reason you're pursuing this goal. Remind yourself what your life will look like at the end of the journey. That vision will keep you going. If you created a vision board, take a look at your dream goals - and if you didn't create one maybe you should. :)


The beautiful weather, endless events and opportunities to see friends and family do make it very difficult to put all of your goals first. Don't feel guilty about taking this time to yourself. Instead, find a way to enjoy this moment by intentionally choosing what you're going to focus on ... and what you will ignore. 



Want To Start Planning Your Vision Board Party? 

  1. Download the FREE vision board party planning checklist.

  2. Craft your inspiring vision board workshop talk with our FREE High Impact Storytelling Journal Prompts

  3. Plan, promote & host your first (or next) professional & profitable vision board workshop with our signature course, Sold Out Vision Board Parties.


Cyrene is a fun and accomplished workshop facilitator, learning and development guru and Human Resources professional. Being at the helm of Thrive Lounge has been a long-time dream. Through vision board workshops she plans to accomplish two-way learning. Sharing her vast years of knowledge to motivate and encourage others; while simultaneously getting the reward of great energy, ideas and questions to ponder back from each group. A super win-win. Please join our Thrive Lounge community so you too can benefit!

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